Do you still receive monthly management reports on how your business is performing? And is this a combination of MS Excel reports and graphs, Profit and Loss reports and Balance Sheets? You may not realise it but historical business and financial performance reporting is a thing of the past. Although the AEC industry is typically 2–3 years behind modern management approaches and sometimes doesn’t get there at all there are some elements that are embraced.
One area that is currently being actively embraced by the profession is the application of Business Intelligence Tools to more intuitively provide businesses the information they require to access and analyse corporate information to assist in decision making. Management for Design have been overwhelmed with the response to our Business intelligence software that is enabling our clients to access information in real-time to reveal insights to help their business make faster and more accurate decisions. The software typically integrates data from across the business and provides key decision makers with self-service reporting and analysis.
Why the positive response?
A key component of Business Performance Management is being able to quickly see how your business is performing but just as importantly to forecast your business performance into the future. How do you do that? By drawing on our extensive experience and expertise, working with professional services businesses and utilising intelligent Business Management principles Management for Design can identify how your business will perform going forward across:
So why should you move your business to Intelligent Business software?
If you would like to see how some of our clients are utilising sophisticated business performance analysis then please contact us and we will demonstrate the value it will bring to your business.
Arrange your complimentary consultation with the aim of assisting you to make the most effective decisions for maximising your business performance.